Vicky 6th April 2021

Dear Marcellus. Thank you for gracing our lives with your presence. In your short life, you’ve taught us all so much. And for that, we are eternally grateful. The world will be a better place because of you. Thanks to you, changes will be made, and promises will be kept. A forest will grow in your name, providing shelter for wildlife and support for the eco system. Your trees will provide pleasure for generations to come. Your memory will live on. Thanks to you, there will be more compassion. Your brothers will be listened to and heard. We will hear the words they speak and the words they don’t. Awareness is the key to prevention, and you have made us aware. Thanks to you, we have a deeper appreciation for the fragility of life. The pain of grief allows us to experience life as you so bravely did. Our suffering humbles us to the strength and dignity you possessed A broken child, who faced each day with courage until he could no more. Rest in peace, my dear nephew Marcellus.